Under California law (which is much more generous to employees than federal law), if you are a non-exempt worker, you are entitled to meal and rest breaks: a 30-minute meal break if you work more than 5 hours in a workday, and 10 minutes breaks for every 4 hours you work. There are other requirements…
FUNDING PERSONAL PROPERTY INTO A REVOCABLE LIVING TRUST Whether personal property is funded into a trust is primarily a matter of intent. With every comprehensive estate plan that we do, we include an “Assignment of Personal Property,” which explicitly states that all personal property is thereby intended to be funded into the trust. This document…
PRACTICAL BUSINESS ENTITY TIPS—DO YOU KEEP YOURSELF SAFE? What do the terms “articles,” “meeting” “bylaws” and “minutes” mean? Articles of Incorporation The Articles of Incorporation is the primary legal document of a corporation; it serves as a corporation’s constitution. The articles are filed with the proper state government to begin corporate existence. The articles contain…
Best Asset Protection and Bottled Business Sense Radio WFB Legal Consulting Inc. and the Bottle Business Sense Newsletter proudly present the launch of The Bottled Business Sense Radio Show. The show will launch June 3, 2014. More information will be made available as the show date approaches. However, the show will combine the unique features…
Alaska was the first US jurisdiction to enact laws allowing protection for self-settled trusts (in 1997) and was shortly followed by Delaware, Nevada, South Dakota and a few others. These trusts are known as Domestic Asset Protection Trusts (DAPTs). Usually, a DAPT must comply with the following requirements: The trust must be irrevocable and spendthrift;…
Generally speaking, if a principal is still living and capable of managing their own affairs their relatives cannot change the POA. However, if the person becomes incapacitated a General POA is extinguished and the relatives can petition for a guardianship of the person. If there is a Durable POA in effect it remains in effect even after the…
Most people understand that in the world of asset protection planning and estate protection planning, the contracts which encompass the plans in question are always in writing. Everything you do to protect your business and personal estates involves the preparation of a contract, as does most of what you do with contractors, suppliers and even…
The very best in asset protection always incorporates employee awareness for small business owners. All too often, business owners make all or a combination of the following three critical mistakes: 1. They fail to form a business entity which feasibly can create protection from lawsuits filed by employees, suppliers and customers; 2. They fail to…