Independent Contractor or Employee?
Bottled Protection Points provide tips for the business owner to contemplate and, if applicable, implement into his or her everyday operation. The Protection Points span the three interwoven areas of Business Law–Asset Protection; Estate Planning Protection; and Employment Law–all important considerations for the knowledgeable entrepreneur.
Many times employers improperly classify their employees as independent contractors so they, the employers, do not have to pay payroll taxes, the minimum wage or overtime, comply with other wage and hour law requirements such as providing meal periods and rest breaks, or reimburse their workers for business expenses incurred in performing their jobs. Moreover, employers do not have to cover independent contractors under workers’ compensation insurance, and are not liable for payments for unemployment insurance, disability insurance, or social security.Make sure you have a LAWYER FOR BUSINESS who provides you with the BEST ASSET PROTECTION available.
Bottled Protection Points are driven by Bottled Business Sense Newsletter; The Bottled Business Sense Show; and WFB Legal Consulting, Inc.